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NVH engineering products

Specialized products for NVH engineers help to predict noises, sound, and vibration even before the car has been built. The software allows users to get models based on tests, which can be combined with simulations. The complete cycle can be done perfectly through 3  products: DIRAC-SOURCE-COUPLE


  • Company: Vibes. technology

  • Year: March 2022-present

  • Skill set: user research and analysis, bench marking, wireframes and prototypes on Figma, design system, user testing, etc

  • Team collaboration: 2 product managers, 10 developers, customer success engineer, project engineers



Measure FRFs with Virtual Point transformation, making reliable full-vehicle models available earlier in the development process



Assemble, Predict and Optimize NVH design in a complete modular workflow, combine test-based models with models from simulations



 Application for Blocked Force Source Characterization (SC) and component Transfer Path Analysis (TPA)

 Results fit perfectly in current CAE simulations

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Design in Figma, Built into Vibes Demo App

Behind the success of Vibes products, there is a standard system with all rules for applying UI components with correct functionalities across products. On the other hand, this system also ensures the visual hierarchy and aesthetic throughout all products. That contributes to fostering the engineering workflow while conducting complex projects within Vibes software.

"Work in progress world" is a state of the art of  Vibes. design system


Define styling foundation of product theme (colors, spacing, grids, effect) by managing relevant variables


Icon kit design for technical contexts of automotive industry 

Logo design for Product apps


Apply the Atomic principle to design scalable layouts across products and themes from molecules


Proficient in documentation and project management, with the ability to organize design files into various layers within Figma from projects to pages


Collaborated with the development team to synchronize the component with the code base.

How do I take a leadership in structuring system? 
How do I collaborate with the to ensure the synchronization?
How do I manage the design system across products at scale?
A walkthrough of a live-imperfect design system workspace?


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  • Product name: COUPLEEurostar research funded, Full product design from early stage

  • Business contribution: Obtain license purchases after the 1st release, contribute to the total  revenue increase of the last year 

  • Team collaboration: CTO, product manager, design leader, 3 developers, research and project engineering team, business development team

  • Applied skills: 

    • UX: user research on engineering workflow, follow and contribute to product road-map with newly added features, bench marking to compare with relevant products and direct/indirect competitors, customer journey to visualize the pain points to tackle front-end issues, etc

    • UI: complex data table, 2D design area, data visualization(graphs),etc


COUPLE allows an engineer to assemble, predict and optimize the NVH design. This way, late-phase troubleshooting is avoided, and fewer iterative design cycles are needed, saving time and resources. All in all, reliable full-vehicle models are available much earlier in the development process.

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  • Challenges : 

    •  Import datasets from different resources as well as manage metadata to create relevant models for the project in a non-linear workflow. 

    • Enhance collaboration by accessing and distributing project data among team members internally. 

    • Gain the ability to visually create topologies and assemble components, while seamlessly mapping channels and managing other aspects. 

    • After analyzing the assembly calculations, an engineer must be able to plot the necessary data to assess performance on graphs.

  • Solutions: â€‹

    • A ​home page control to create libraries or import existing libraries from any locations such as Sharepoint, serve cloud

    • Model libraries with inside explore to browse through and import dataset. Within that window, an engineer can check channels and interfaces as well as organize into different libraries

    • The main screen provide multi function 2D design area to help perform the full assembly in a simple way with different variants to compare.

    • Within the results, a filter panel helps an engineer to quickly reach certain data to perform on the graphing area. 


User & domain research
  • Meeting and workshop with engineers to get an insights about domain 
  • One by one interview to identify hidden  needs of engineers
Market research
Utilizing benchmarking to compare against both direct and indirect competitors across various sectors is essential in identifying key product value propositions and unique selling points that will ultimately lead to success in the market
  • Wireframing from low to high fidelity to quickly craft the workflow
  • Prototype in Figma and collaborate with developers to generate the first draft for testing
User testing
  • Internal testing with project engineers. 
  • Shadowing, follow the screen scanning to see how a user behaves with new features


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  • Product name: DIRAC

  • Team collaboration: CTO, product manager, 3 developers, research engineers team, customer success engineers team

  • UX/UI skills: 

    • UX: user research on engineering workflow, follow and contribute to product road-map with newly added features, benchmarking to compare with relevant products and direct competitors, customer journey to visualize the pain points to tackle front-end issues, etc

    • UI: complex data table, data visualization(graphs), etc


DIRAC allows engineers to measure FRFs with Virtual Point transformation, making reliable full-vehicle models available earlier in the development process.
DIRAC ensures traceability of results and indicates the quality of the measurement. Overall, DIRAC helps to avoid the final-phase troubleshooting – which can postpone vehicle production – and reduces the number of prototype variants needed. Limit the need to re-do measurements or to troubleshoot issues with emergency teams. 



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  • Product name: SOURCE

  • Team collaboration: CTO, product manager, 2 developers, research engineers team, 

  • UX/UI skills: 

    • UX: user research on engineering workflow, follow and contribute to product road-map with newly added features, benchmarking to compare with relevant products and direct competitors, customer journey to visualize the pain points to tackle front-end issues, etc

    • UI: complex data table,


SOURCE is a dedicated software application for Blocked Force Source Characterization (SC) and component Transfer Path Analysis (TPA). These two topics are highly popular topics in sound & vibration engineering, as they enable a modular NVH approach. Accurate characterization of active sources, typically by Blocked Forces, requires a clear and robust workflow with quality checks at each and every step. All variants of SC and TPA have been implemented in one intuitive application, designed from a clear vision towards high-quality and traceable source and TPA calculations. Results and insights generated by SOURCE fit perfectly in current CAE simulations, allowing to solve critical NVH aspects in an early phase of product development.



© 2024 by Nhi Le.

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